The next level of operability by HemoDynamic Structural Intelligence
LISENDO 880LE is equipped with premium automated measurement packages based on our HDSI (HemoDynamic Structual Intelligence). High-precision automatic measurements can be achieved from pediatrics to Adults .
The measurement package provides automated tools for complex cardiac function analysis, and it is expected to improve measurement accuracy.
The resultant ease-of-use and exam consistency achieved by HDSI offers benefits to both operators and patients.
- Beat Mode: Automated detection of End Diastolic & End Systolic frames
- Smart Cardiac Measurement
- Auto LV, LA and RA Volume and FAC
- Auto LA/AO (M-Mode)
- Teichholz EF (2D and M-Mode)
- Trans M Flow, TDI PW
- Doppler Cursor Assist: MV Flow and Annulus cursor placement automatically
Automated ES Detection
ED and ES frames are automatically detected and displayed instantly by one click. The combination of automated ED-ES detection and automatic measurement packages offers seamless workflow.